
vendredi 15 juillet 2011

A colonial war in Libya: Obama wearing a ball and chain named Clinton. Obama et le boulet nommé Clinton.

Hey, by the way, do you remember the breaking news alleging that Gaddafi's wife and daughter fled across the border to Tunesia?

The news came from Ms. Hillary Clinton herself. And as you can imagine, the news was false! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Is there on earth anybody, except this poor simpleton living in the White House in Washington, who still believes that Hillary Clinton is someone credible?

Gibt es überhaupt jemand, ausgenommen diesen armen Dummkopf, der im Weißen Haus in Washington lebt, der noch glaubt, daß Hillary Clinton die dünnste Glaubwürdigkeit Wert ist?

¿Pero hay todavía alguien, excepto este pobre simplón que vive en la Casa Blanca en Washington, que puede aún conceder la menor credibilidad a Hillary Clinton?

Mas commo pode ainda existir alguém, excepto este pobre simplão que vive na casa branca em Washington, que pode ainda conceder a menor credibilidade a Hillary Clinton?

You know what? Hillary Clinton has nothing more intelligent to do as to put herself six feet under. Dying of shame!