Ce doit être là l'Afrique dont ils ont toujours rêvé: pauvre et misérable, mourant de toutes sortes de maladies, condamnée à la mendicité, mais dans le même temps, riche en armes produites à l'étranger.
That should be that Africa they always loved: poor and miserable, starving and dying of all sorts of diseases, condemned to begging but at the same time full of weapons made abroad!
So muß es aussehen, Afrika wie sie es sich immer gewünscht haben: arm und in dauerhafter Elend verwickelt, verhungert, sterbend an allen Arten von Krankheiten, zum ewigen Betteln bestimmt, aber zur gleichen Zeit reich an ausländischen Waffen.
Debería ser el África del que siempre han soñado: pobre y miserable, muriéndose de todas clases de enfermedades, condenada a la mendicidad, pero en el mismo tiempo, rica en armas producidas en el extranjero.
Hii lazima Afrika mara zote alitaka, maskini na maskini, kufa ya kila aina ya magonjwa, na hatia ya kuomba, lakini wakati huo huo, na matajiri katika silaha zinazozalishwa nje ya nchi.
Essa deve ser a Africa que sempre amei: pobre e miserável, passando fome, morrendo de todos os tipos de doenças, condenada a implorar, mas, ao mesmo tempo, cheio de armas feitas no exterior!
À propos, vous savez quoi ? Il paraît qu'il y aurait de la sécheresse dans la Corne de l'Afrique.
Parece que não é a seca na África Oriental.
Parece que hay sequía en África Oriental.
Offenbar herrscht Dürre in Ostafrika.
Inaonekana kwamba kuna ukame katika Afrika ya Mashariki.
By the way, it seems that there were drought in Eastern Africa.
Man made hunger... Une famine d'origine humaine. Uma fome de origem humana. Una hambruna causada por los hombres. Vom Menschen verursachte Hungersnot. Njaa husababishwa na binadamu.
Sources : Télévision Française BFMTV, I-Télé (17.07.2011)
Meanwhile in Libya - Mittlerwhile... - Mientras tanto... - Entretanto... - Wakati huo huo...
Libya : 1.785.480 km²; 95% = desert (Wüste - Desierto - Deserto - Jangwa)
The goal of the Libyan Arab people, embodied in the Great Man-Made River project, is to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance, capable of producing adequate food and water to supply its own needs and to share with neighboring countries. In short, the River is literally Libya's 'meal ticket' to self-sufficiency.
The Great Man-Made River, which is leader Muammar Qaddafi's ambitious answer to the country’s water problems, irrigates Libya’s large desert farms. The 2,333-mile network of pipes ferry water from four major underground aquifers in southern Libya to the northern population centers. Wells punctuate the water’s path, allowing farmers to utilize the water network in their fields.
The Libyan government says the 26-year project has cost $19.58 billion. Nearing completion, the Great Man-Made River is the largest irrigation project in the world and the government says it intends to use it to develop 160,000 hectares (395,000 acres) of farmland. It is also the cheapest available option to irrigate fields in the water-scarce country, which has an average annual rainfall of about one inch.
“Rainfall is just concentrated in 5 percent of the [country’s] area, so more or less, 95 percent or 90 percent of our land is desert,” says Abdul Magid al-Kaot, minister of agriculture, during a PowerPoint presentation that accompanied a recent several-hour government tour of the project and farms outside the capital of Tripoli. “Water is more precious for us than oil. ... Water here in Libya, it’s life.”
La Libye va valoriser 100.000 hectares de l'Office du Niger au Mali
Bamako, Mali (PANA) - "Malibya Agriculture", une société à capitaux libyens dédiée au développement agricole au Mali, a décidé de mettre en valeur environ 100.000 hectares de terres dans la zone de l'Office du Niger (centre du pays) en vue de la production de riz hybride, a appris la PANA de bonne source à Bamako.
Pour concrétiser le premier volet de ce projet, la société libyenne a signé vendredi à Bamako un contrat d'exécution de 55 millions de dollars US avec le Centre national chinois du riz hybride.
Cette enveloppe financière servira à l'agrandissement du canal d'approvisionnement d'eau et au bitumage d'une route de 40 km dans la zone de Macina (centre).
Selon le Dr Abdougasem Amer, directeur de la planification de "Malibya Agriculture", ce sont plus de 10.000 emplois qui sont prévus et il sera aussi mise en place une station pour la production de semences du riz hybride et la construction d’une ferme moderne.
Libyan support in Liberia
The Green Program is intended basically to help boost the development of agriculture in the community of Sahel and Saharan States (CEN-SAD), including Liberia .
The tractors will help with the plowing of land mechanically and preparing it for extensive cultivation to boost the efforts of agriculture development in the Community of Sahel and Saharan States.
The Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development in Africa is based in Tripoli . According to a communiqué signed between the Government of Liberia and Libya , the Libyan Government will undertake the funding of the program including maintenance of tractors and bear the cost of fuel and engine oil.
The Green Program will also be responsible for the payment of drivers' salaries during the implementation of the program, which is expected to run from December 2008 to May 2009.
The Liberian Government will supervise the movement of the agricultural and mechanical equipment in the intended areas of operation and will draft standards and regulations to implement the work in accordance with defined time and location.
Chers visiteurs
En tant qu'internautes, habitués à rechercher l'information fiable par vos propres moyens, vous savez que la presse "mainstream" n'est pas toujours fiable, surtout lorsqu'elle tente de nous rejouer la scène du dangereux dictateur qui détiendrait des armes de destruction massive, vous savez ? Saddam Hussein ! Le problème est qu'il n'y a jamais eu d'armes de destruction massive en Irak, et que ce pays est devenu un énorme merdier, victime de la psychopathie criminelle de George Bush père et fils et de leurs complices occidentaux, qu'il nous faudra juger devant une vraie cour de justice internationale, un de ces jours. En attendant, d'autres criminels ont entrepris de nous rejouer en Libye la scène déjà jouée en Irak, et c'est là que nous sommes un certain nombre à dire NON, NON et NON !
Et comme vous avez soigneusement lu des choses, sur ce blog et ailleurs, vous savez que le but de la croisade contre Kadhafi n'est pas la démocratie, mais tout à fait le contraire : empêcher la Libye d'être ce qu'elle a entrepris de devenir : le principal pôle de développement économique du continent, avec des milliards d'investissement partout, pour sortir l'Afrique de la spirale de la misère et de la mendicité à perpétuité. Le fait est que la Libye est un des pays les plus désertiques du monde, puisque le désert l'occupe à 95 %, mais pourtant, on y trouve de l'eau à profusion, qu'on n'y connaît pas la famine, que ce pays est en voie vers l'autosuffisance agricole, qu'en 42 années de "dictature", ce pays n'avait produit aucun "boat-people" ni aucun réfugié parti vers les pays voisins ! Une guerre immonde, fomentée par une mafia internationale de criminels capables de manipuler l'ONU et l'OTAN. Et pourtant, malgré tous ses moyens, cette mafia va perdre cette guerre !
Dear visitors,
As Netsurfers you are used to seek consistent information by your own means, and you do know that “mainstream press ” is not always reliable, especially when it tries to play again the scene of the dangerous dictator who would have got weapons of mass destruction. Do you remember? The problem is that there have never been any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But the country had to be involved into an enormous mess, being the victim of some criminal psychopaths as George W. Bush and his Western accomplices, and of course, it will be necessary for us to bring them before a true International Criminal Court. In the meantime, other criminals have undertook to play again the same script in Libya that Bush and Co used to play in Iraq. But this time, it is quite sure that we are a lot of people to say NO!
And because you carefully look for true information, let we say in this blog and elsewhere, you know that the goal of the crusade against Kadhafi is not any democracy, but quite the opposite: all they are targeting is to prevent Libya from being what it undertook to become: the main pole of economic development in Africa, with billions $ of investments, in order to free AFrica from the spiral of misery and perpetual begging. The fact is that Libya is one of the most desertic countries of the world, since the Sahara occupies it to 95%, but however the country has got much water, so that no one is starving there; this country is on the way to agricultural self-sufficiency, and in 42 years of “dictatorship”, not a single “boat-people” nor refugee leaving the country on foot or by boat could be reported. This war is an unclean and criminal one, fomented by an international Mafia of criminals manipulating both UNO and NATO. And yet, despite their huge amount of weapons, that Mafia is going to lose the war in Libya!
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