
jeudi 20 octobre 2011

Gaddafi dead? What a (new) big fake! La mort de Kadhafi? Cette bonne blague ! Kadhafi tot? Aber welcher Gaddafi? La muerte de Gaddafi? ¿Pero de que Gaddafi hablan, del real o del de Obama-Clinton-Aljazeera?

À moins que, depuis la "chute" de Tripoli, Muammar El Kadhafi ne soit passé chez le chirurgien esthétique !

Unless since the "fall" of Tripoli Muammar El Gaddafi has undergone plastic surgery!

Es sei denn Muammar El Kadhafi, seit dem "Fall" von Tripoli, sich einer plastischen Operation unterzogen hat!

A menos que desde la "caída" de Tripoli Muammar El Gadafi se ha sometido a cirugía plástica!

La preuve par l'image ! Just look at the pictures!

Je dois vous avouer que j'ai tout de suite été frappé par la finesse du nez de ce prétendu Kadhafi, ce qui m'a fait penser : "tiens, leur Kadhafi est passé chez le chirurgien esthétique !"

I must admit that I was at once struck by the sharpness of the nose of their Gaddafi, and I thought: "How strange, their Gaddafi has undergone aesthetic surgery! "

Ich muss zugeben, dass ich auf einmal von der Schärfe der Nase ihrer Gaddafi getroffen wurde, und ich dachte: "Wie seltsam! ihre Gaddafi hat sich ästhetischer Chirurgie unterzogen".

Debo admitir que yo era a la vez sorprendido por la agudeza de la nariz de su Gaddafi, y pensé: Qué extraño, su Gaddafi se ha sometido a  cirugía estética"

Have you got the nose? Schauen Sie sich bloß diese Nase an! ¡Qué nariz afilada! Vous avez vu ce nez effilé ?

Is that Gaddafi's nose?!?!?!? Ça, le nez de Kadhafi ?!?!?!?

And now the true face of the true Gaddafi!

And now let's compare !

Have you got it? The Gaddafi of Obama, Sarkozy, Juppé, Cameron, Ban Ki Moon, Clinton, Aljazeera, CNN, AFP, Reuters and Co has actually undergone plastic surgery! Ha! Ha! Ha!

¿Entienden ahora? ¡El 'Gadafi' de Obama, Sarkozy, Juppé, Cameron, Ban Ki Moon, Clinton, Al Jazeera, CNN, AFP, Reuters and Co. en realidad se ha sometido a cirugía plástica! ¡Ja! ¡Ja! ¡Ja!

Haben Sie jetzt kapiert? Daß der "Gaddafi" von Obama, Sarkozy, Juppé, Cameron, Ban Ki Moon, Clinton, Al-Jazeera, CNN, AFP, Reuters und Co sich tatsächlich einer plastischen Operation unterzogen hat? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Vous comprenez maintenant que le Kadhafi d'Obama, Sarkozy, Juppé, Cameron, Ban Ki Moon, Clinton, Al-Jazeera, CNN, AFP, Reuters et autres guignols est forcément passé tout récemment sous le bistouri du chirurgien plastique ? Mort de rire !

By the way and to be honest, I cannot be quite sure that Gaddafi is still alive, unless in the hearts of one billion Africans and of more anti-imperialist people around the world. But I am quite sure of this: the man on the AFP-picture above and alledgedly killed in Sirte IS NOT MUAMMAR AL GADDAFI! (One cannot exclude the fact that many 'avatars' of Gaddafi have been used for the several scenes available on the Internet!).

And now just one question: let's suppose that there were only one out of one million chances for that AFP-picture to be a fake. That would mean that they didn't capture Gaddafi nor kill him. But why the hell did they need to involve all the "great" Western leaders and medias in such a fake that would humiliate them for the rest of their lives?


Probably because of the coming biggest humiliation for an imperialist crusade since Dién Biên Phu in Vietnam!

Just remember this: 5 millions of Libyans against about 800 millions Westerners and their Arab puppets; that means ONE LIBYAN against 160 CRUSADERS with the strongest weapons. And that war is still going on, after seven months of total annihilation of the whole population of the country! Seven months with a lot of "Guernica", of "Oradour-sur-Glane", of "Babi Yar", of "Mylai", of "Sétif-Guelma", of "Madagascar"...

But there is another question, about the scientific proof: WHERE IS THE (TROPHY) BODY OF GADDAFI AND HOW COULD HE DISAPPEAR AFTER BEING CAPTURED?

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