
mardi 23 août 2011

How can you explain this: Obama and Co fighting in Libya alongside AlQaeda? Essayez donc de m'expliquer comment Obama et ses supplétifs en viennent à combattre en Libye aux côtés d'Al Qaeda !

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Si vous lisez l'anglais, j'ai là quelque chose d'intéressant pour vous, mais entre nous, ce n'est pas un scoop ! Le fait est que la proportion de gens éduquées - où que ce soit dans le monde, y compris aux Etats-Unis - qui soutiennent l'agression occidentale en Libye est plus que minime, dès lors que la plupart de ces gens ne comprennent pas comment l'Occident peut combattre Al Qaeda ici, et la soutenir là... Mais si vous lisez mes blogs, vous savez certainement pourquoi la France soutient Al Qaeda en Libye... Regardez du côté des otages d'AQMI au Niger ! Et imaginez qu'ils soient (opportunément) libérés deux semaines avant l'élection présidentielle de 2012.

J'affabule ? À votre avis ?

Source : End the Lie (Assez de mensonges)

For those who are still taken by the illusion that we are actually fighting terrorism, our support of rebels openly associated with al Qaeda in Libya (the same al Qaeda group responsible for sending militants to Iraq to kill American soldiers) should have shattered this delusion.

The head of the Libyan security services, that is the real Libyan security services not the al Qaeda-affiliated rebel war criminals, Abdullah al-Snousi made this very clear in a statement earlier today.

The following statement was posted on the al Jazeera live blog on Libya but it does not state to whom he made this statement or in what venue.

“What we are facing now in this war is NATO led by al-Qaeda. The European and western officials are lying to their people when they say they are fighting terrorism. In fact they are fighting with terrorism against the Libyan nation and they are following al Qaeda’s orders.

What we find really strange that the same people who brought to us these terrorists elements are the same people now supporting these very terrorist elements. Now the international coalition is not against terrorism but between the west and terrorism. And my colleagues, the heads of intelligence services all around the world know what I am talking about. Libyan head of security services Abdullah Al-Snousi.”

I would have to disagree that the war is “led by al-Qaeda” as it would be quite silly to think that al Qaeda dictates American policy.

I would correct this by stipulating that it is America who dictates al Qaeda policy.

The simple fact is that we are supporting terrorists in Libya and actively encouraging a group of individuals with strong ties to terrorists to overthrow the Gaddafi regime in order to place themselves in power.

Just like authoritarian regimes around the world, the rebel leadership was  not chosen or approved by the people of Libya.

They declared themselves the sole legitimate representatives of the people of Libya and swiftly were accepted as such by Western governments.

(To be continued)

(A propos, this blog has got a lot of - very clever, ha! ha! ha! - readers in the U.S.A. But not only there! You are welcome and deserve my warmest congratulations!)